7 Ways Smart SaaS Founders Achieve Product/Market Fit

This article describes how to achieve product-market fit.

11 minute read

Key Quotes

“It’s hard to dig deep enough into the market and hard to ask the right questions from it.”

“It’s hard to innovate new solutions and convince a market (one that is already saturated with offerings) that YOU ARE IT.”

“When you know what motivates your consumers, you can trigger their consumption behavior.“

“To win the market, you must take 100% ownership of your relationship with your consumers. Know them, talk to them, and help them solve their pain-points.”

“To develop an unstoppable product, you need to know what existing products are already winning dollar votes, which products aren’t succeeding, and why.”

“If you offer too many things, it diminishes your core benefits. Instead, simplify your offering. Focus on the most valuable benefit you can give your market. Period.”

“If there is a legitimate need for your product, your market will respond with dollars.”

“Talk to your prospects; learn what interests them about your product, learn what doesn’t interest them about your product and, most importantly, learn what they’re willing to pay for.”

Bottom Line

“If you listen to your consumer, you’ll better understand the problem you need to solve for them. And, boom! You’ll also be able to build stronger, more unique, and more targeted solutions for a market that you know will respond.”


What It Feels Like When You’ve Found Product-Market Fit