What It Feels Like When You’ve Found Product-Market Fit

This article has great quotes from successful founders on what it felt like when they knew they had achieved product-market fit

15 minute read (easily scrollable to find the quotes form each company)

Key Quotes

1. Market “pull” comes in many forms

  • An inflection in organic growth

  • Customers asking to pay for the product before you ask

  • Users flip from being excited about what you have to mad about what you don’t have

  • Customers complaining when your site goes down

  • People using the product even when it’s broken”

2. About half of these companies found PMF immediately after launch, but half spent months or years iterating to get there:

  • Netflix: 18 months

  • Segment: 1.5 years

  • Airbnb: 2 years

  • PagerDuty: 2 years

  • Superhuman: 3 years

  • Amplitude: 4 years”

“3. The intensity of the pull is a factor of the fit (how good your product is at solving the user’s problem) AND initial market size (is it niche or broad).

“Dropbox, Netflix, and Tinder were 10x better products within a huge market —> sudden and broad pull.”

“Instacart, Superhuman, and Substack were 10x better products but for a narrow set of initial customers —> steady and compounding pull.”

Bottom Line

“Of these three milestones though, the most likely to kill your business is the first: not building something people want.”

“how do you know when you’ve built something people want? Below you’ll find stories from twenty-five companies — many of which have never been shared before — revealing the moment they realized they had something special.”


Product / Market Fit: The Very First Step to Successfully Launching Your Product


7 Ways Smart SaaS Founders Achieve Product/Market Fit