Product / Market Fit: The Very First Step to Successfully Launching Your Product

This article walks through the What, Why, How and Why of product-market fit. It has links to other articles for more details.

10 minute read

Key Quotes

“Every day, I talk to founders who seek to acquire more users and increase their growth. I always question the stage they’re in. Is acquiring new users the solution to their growth problem?”

“Most of the time, they have very few users with very little feedback. They launched their startup based on their vision and ignored market signs.”

“If you are in that position you don’t have an Acquisition problem, you have a Product / Market Fit (PMF) problem.”

“If you don’t really know where to focus and struggle to acquire your first users, or struggle to keep growing steadily, this article is for you.”

Bottom Line

“One of the first steps is to setup the CPS (Customer, Problem, Solution) hypothesis. Basically, reaching the PMF means validating these hypotheses:

  • Customer: you know who you’re going to serve

  • Problem: they have the problem you thought they have

  • Solution: they take advantage of your solution and are ready to pay for it”


Four Fits For $100M+ Growth


What It Feels Like When You’ve Found Product-Market Fit